Philippine Skills Framework

The PSF Initiative involves the development of sector-specific and cross-sectoral skills frameworks that will guide the country’s workers in enhancing their skills for particular job roles. Such frameworks will also help employers design progressive human resource management and talent development plans and assist education and training institutions in revising existing curricula or designing new courses that are more relevant and responsive to current industry needs and emerging market demands. 

The PSF Initiative’s priority sectors include Logistics and Supply Chain, Creatives (digital arts & animation, and game development),
Construction, Manufacturing, Health and Wellness, IT-BPM, Tourism, and Food Agriculture. 

To date, the PSF for the following sectors have been developed: Logistics and Supply Chain, and Creatives (digital arts & animation, and game development). Moreover, cross-sectoral PSFs have also been developed (e.g., Human Capital Development and Business Development [Marketing, Sales and Partnership]).